$Id$ ReadMe for SiREdit - Secure in-RAM Editor ========================================= * Introduction The Secure in-RAM Editor is a wrapper to edit files without unencrypted content reaching local storage. All files to be edited are stored in a RAM file system (ramfs). GPG encrypted files are decrypted and re-encrypted automatically. Future version might copy files from and to sftp spaces automatically. * Command overview: sircat file Just prints the (decrypted) file to stdout. sirgrep pattern files Searches the specified file(s) for the specified pattern, using egrep -i sirlistencto file Tries to print which GPG keys are able to decrypt the specified file. sirrecrypt file key1 key2 ... Re-encrypts the specified file for the specified keys. It's highly recommended to specify GPG-Keys by their IDs, not e-mail adresses. If the file initially was unencrypted, it is encrypted for the specified key. siredit file Opens the file with vim or csvedit and re-encrypts it afterwards. For .csv files csvedit is used as editor. For other files $VISUAL, $EDITOR or vi is used, whatever is non-empty first.