Source: mingw-w32-gcc Priority: extra Section: devel Maintainer: Wolfgang Glas Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>> 5), gettext, texinfo, pkg-config, gcc, flex, bison, libc6-dev, mingw-w32-binutils (>= 2.19.1), mingw-w32-headers (>= 0.9) Package: mingw-w32-gcc Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, mingw-w32-binutils (>= 2.19.1), mingw-w32-headers (>= 0.9) Description: mingw-w32 is a binary development environment for cross compiling programs to Win32 targets. It is based on the mingw-w64 distribution. This package contains the GNU Compiler Collection as well as the Windows system libraries.