Summary: JDBC2XML by ITEG Name: jdbc2xml Packager: Christoph Lechleitner BuildRequires: bzip2 BuildRequires: tar BuildRequires: wget BuildArch: noarch Version: 1.4.1 Release: 0 License: Commercial Group: Applications/Internet Source: jdbc2xml-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-buildroot Requires: (jre-headless or jre-11-headless) ###XBCS-PBA-Category: jpkg ###XBCS-PBA-Generation: 1 ###XBCS-PBA-Distributions: centos8 ###XBCS-PBA-Repository: %description JDBC2XML is a commandline tool for dumping and restoring databases from/to XML. This package is a debianization of the latest*/jdbc2xml-*-distribution.tar.bz2 %prep %setup -q %install TOPDIR=$(pwd) SRCDIR=$TOPDIR/download/jdbc2xml INSTDIR=usr/lib/jdbc2xml DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT test -d download || ${TOPDIR}/ %{version} # /INSTDIR/bin/ mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/${INSTDIR}/bin cp -a ${SRCDIR}/bin/ ${DESTDIR}/${INSTDIR}/bin/ # /etc/jdbc2xml mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/etc/jdbc2xml cp -a ${SRCDIR}/conf/log4j*.properties ${DESTDIR}/etc/jdbc2xml/ # /INSTDIR/conf ln -s /etc/jdbc2xml ${DESTDIR}/${INSTDIR}/conf # /INSTDIR/lib/*.jar mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/${INSTDIR}/lib cp -a ${SRCDIR}/lib/*.jar ${DESTDIR}/${INSTDIR}/lib/ # /usr/bin/jdbc* mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin for alias in jdbc2xml xml2jdbc jdbc2jdbc xml2xml jdbcping jdbcextr ; do ln -s /${INSTDIR}/bin/ ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/${alias} ; done # done chmod -R 0755 ${DESTDIR} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -rf SRCs rm -rf download #%post %files %defattr(-,root,root) /etc/jdbc2xml/*.properties /usr/bin/jdbc2jdbc /usr/bin/jdbcping /usr/bin/xml2jdbc /usr/bin/xml2xml /usr/bin/jdbc2xml /usr/bin/jdbcextr /usr/lib/jdbc2xml/bin/ /usr/lib/jdbc2xml/conf /usr/lib/jdbc2xml/lib/*.jar %changelog