fancylog i18n guide. ==================== 1) Insert translatable text into source ======================================= Use #include "fancylogi18n.h" and the functions fancy_log_i18n("translate me!") fancy_log_i18n_n("%d translation found","%d translations found",n_translations) inside sour source code. You might check the manual pages gettext(2) and ngettext(2) for further guidance. 2) Update the fancylogview.pot and fancylogview_*.po files ========================================================== After adding/changing translatable text in your source, you have to issue cd src/po make update-po in order to update the translation files. 3) translate the texts ====================== Use a po-file editor like gtranslator or kbabel to edit the translations in src/po/fancylog_view_*.po After editing the translations you might want to to commit your chanes using svn commit 4) Adding new languages ======================= Edit src/langs.mak and add your language to the space-separated list of suported languages. Make sure, that the encoding of your translation fancylogview_*.po is set to UTF-8. Add your translation to svn. Add your translation to the windows installer src/fancylogview.nsi Proceed with step 3).